Thanksgiving Thoughts

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my American friends! And to all of my international friends, please go make yourself some stuffing and potatoes and join in on the celebration 🙂

So far this morning, I have been running around like a mad woman trying to get everything prepped and ready for the gang to get here. The turkey is roasting away, the potatoes are peeled, the appetizers are set, the desserts are made, and I finally put some presentable clothes on. Now, it is time to count my blessings.


Thanksgiving is the time to give thanks. So many times throughout the year, I [and many other people] forget how fortunate they really are. Here are some things I am thankful for…

1. My family: They are truly amazing. They are the most supportive, nonjudgmental, funny, crazy, silly, and loving humans I know. Maybe I am biased…but they are great! Love you guys!

2. Living in Southern California: Seriously though, this place is paradise. Today it is 90 degrees. In the middle of November. While I have never been able to experience a white Christmas, or the changing of the leaves in the Fall, I truly do love the sunshine. The environmentalist in me is kind of worried about this kind of weather though. Global climate change!!!!!

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3.Completing my bachelors degree in May: I have one more semester until I am finished with my bachelors degree. Now I have to find a job…Lets pray for that to happen very soon!

4. Health: Health is SO important. We take for granted the everyday things we are able to get done. This past week, my mom has been hit with a serious case of vertigo for the first time ever. It has been awful and really taken a toll on her. It made me realize how important taking care of ourselves really is!

5. Internet shopping: I am NOT happy about all of the stores opening on Thanksgiving day. I think its sad actually and do not want to participate. Although, I am a crazy Black Friday shopper. I usually don’t even buy anything, but I love to be out with the masses! Its so exciting! This year though, I really wanted to buy a DSLR camera, and Best Buy had a crazy sale on one. It turned out that they offered the same sale online, so I woke up early in the middle of the night and got it ordered. Mission accomplished!

6. You! Anyone who reads my blog means so much to me! I am a new blogger and just getting a start, so anyone who cares to listen makes my hearts smile! Thanks so much. It means more than you could imagine.

There are so many other things that I am thankful for, that I could be typing for days on end.

Happy Thanksgiving or Thursday everyone. Remember to reflect on everything you are thankful for.

Be sure to check out the other thoughts!

August Favorites

I cannot believe August is coming to a close. I am definitely not ready for summer to be over yet! 😦 On that note though, it is time for a monthly favorites post.

This month I was loving:

Trader Joes Coconut Oil

This stuff is so good to use as lotion. It is so moisturizing and smells amazing! It is also all natural and has no chemicals like some lotions.

Alba Sunscreen

Alba Aloe Vera Natural Sunscreen SPF 30 <p><strong>From the Manufactuer's Label:</strong></p><p>Water Resistant</p><p>Paraben Free</p><p>UVA/UVB Protection</p><p>Aloe Vera Natural Sunscreen SPF 30 manufactured by Alba Botanica.</p> 4 oz Each  $7.29

 This sunscreen is free of parabens and other harmful chemicals. It prevents me from burning and also rubs on smooth without being super greasy like some other products. After reading The Cookie Chrunicles article on sunscreen, I became more mindful of the products I was buying and started switching to less chemical laden sunscreens.


In the Glam Bag:
August 2014
You received the below items in your August Glam Bag, crafted for you via ipsyMatch. Learn more

Coastal Scents
Shadow Palette Sample


Jersey Shore Sun
Mongongo Lip Conditioner


Dry Shampoo with Oat Milk


Manna Kadar Cosmetics
Sheer Glo


Urban Decay
24/7 Velvet Glide-On Eye Pencil

I received the above five products in my first Ipsy package that I received this month. I am not much of a makeup wearer, but after hearing reviews of this subscription service, I decided to give it a try. They send you a makeup bag full of 4-5 products every month, for $10. So far, I have used the chapstick and the eyeliner. I like both of them. We will see what I get in the next few months to determine if I want to keep the service.

Forever 21 Scoop Back Romper


I bought this romper from Forever 21 a few weeks ago when it was super hot and I needed something light and airy to wear. It is so comfortable and easy to throw on over a bathing suit or great for running errands in. It can also be worn very casual or dressed up as well.

Cookie Dough Bites

Running with Spoons posted a cookie dough bites recipe this month that I LOVE! I make it a few times a week and eat them as snacks throughout the day. They are great.

These are the things I have been loving this month. Happy end of August and I will talk to you soon in September. So weird! I cannot believe this month is already over. Happy Sunday and Labor Day!


What are some things you were loving this month?