
Ever since the time change last weekend, I have woken up to a sunrise instead of pitch black darkness. It is spectacular in the morning, but not so ideal at night when I am driving home. This whole getting dark at 5:30 is throwing me all off balance…as well as my meals.

My appetite is all out of whack, and I am going to blame it on this time change thing. What is so bad about leaving the time alone? My body would greatly appreciate it.

Anyways, on to the food:



Oatmeal parfait-pumkin oatmeal, greek yogurt, and graham cracker crumbs.

For some reason, I have not joined the whole flavored oat craze. I like my oats plain and simple, no flavorings, no toppings. This parfait was my 1,000,0001 try at getting myself to like flavored oats, and I still am loving the plain version more.



Roasted brussel sprouts along a [unpictured] smoothie. Lunches at school are especially hard because I have almost no breaks in between classes, so I grab what I can when I have time. Whatever works right?



Banana applesauce muffin. This was GOOD!


Jackfruit tacos


I finally got on the latest kitchen craze to drape your tortillas over the oven racks to create healthy shells. It was a success. I will definitely be using this method in the future.

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My family is Mexican food obsessed, so they will try anything out of the ordinary in Mexican flavored form. These tacos turned out great! This is the  second meal I have created using jackfruit and both were better than expected.

What was the best thing you ate this week?

Are you still living off of Halloween candy?

Check out what everyone else is eating today as well!

4 thoughts on “WIAW-11/5/14

  1. Haha. Do you! I love flavoured oats, but I get liking things plain. I hate when flavors I don’t like together mingle.

    I’m avoiding the Halloween candy. I got rid of all the stuff in our house, but people at work keep doing the same and are bringing more and more of their kids’ candy in. I’ll be excited though when it’s resolution time after New Years and coworkers are bringing their healthy baked goods in. 🙂


    • The jackfruit itself does not really taste like anything. It takes on the flavor of what you put into it. Here, I used Mexican spices (cumin, chili powder, etc.) to make it taste similar to carnitas…except without the meat 🙂 haha


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